It is the new word in health but will it work for you?

Overnight the world changed. One night we went to bed and the next day we were learning terms like social distancing and self-isolation.
Had to jump through a range of hoops to speak to the doctor, the dentist, the physio, and the dietitian. This Telehealth term is something new to understand and maybe you are one of the many who don't quite get how it works.
Basically your appointment is now over the phone, or in some cases, over a computer screen, and there are some advantages for some:-
1. People who have difficulty accessing a Dietitian (or any medical) service due to being carers and having to coordinate a range of people to leave the house.
2. Those who need to see a Dietitian urgently may find more gaps to make an appointment, and some Dietitians are now working different hours to assist with this
3. Those with specific requirements where the dietitian can work with them to achieve a range of goals
4. Those who need to travel distances for an appointment.
At Gippsland Dietetics, your initial appointment still consists of a full assessment, and we still look at your digestive system, your diet, any information supplied by your GP, and how to improve your diet for best possible health.
To make an appointment either
1. Contact Gippsland Dietetics on 0428 411 051, or
2. Refer to the website
At the time of your appointment, if it is telephone you will receive a call at the time of your appointment, or if it is via Videolink, please click on the link emailed to you on the morning or your appointment just prior, and you will be placed in a virtual waiting room. (you may want a magazine just in case).
Your appointment will be followed up by any resources discussed for your information.